Welcome to the adventure of a lifetime. 

Ready to capture clarity, regain confidence and live the life you were made to live?

Enrollment for Finding You Discovering It is now open! 

It's your turn to build a life that leaves you feeling whole, confident and grateful for what you've created--no matter what age or stage you find yourself in right now.

Love it or hate it, we are all somewhere right now--and we got there because of circumstances we've been handed in life, choices we've made or that we've allowed others to make for us.
If you had told me at 26 years of age that in just a few short years I would:

 be running multiple 6 figure businesses

have my faith deepened

see my relationships challenged and strengthened

 three ranch kids who blow me away with their work ethic and ability to live life to the fullest

→ and be living in my grandparent’s home on our family ranch with my husband…

I’m not sure I would have believed you!
Finding You Discovering IT is a culmination of what it took to create this life--one that is always changing and evolving for the better. 

I needed to know my values, my gifts, my priorities, and how my thoughts shaped my results. 

I needed a vision and understanding of what I had to offer the world. 

I needed belief in myself, and oftentimes that came from others who first believed in me.

It's time to embark on your own journey of self-discovery and realignment, so can create the life you want!
Here's a quick glimpse into the modules you will find in the online course and the options you will have as you embark on the journey. 

I’d love to go alongside you and there are a couple of options where we can make that happen.
Module 1 starts with Finding You and Rediscovering Your Values. 

Knowing who you are, what your values are, and what is important to you in life are vital to ensuring that each step you take is one that you are consciously choosing.
In Module 2, Matching Values With What You Really Want, we navigate what is currently taking our time in life and if it’s aligning with what we claim is important to us. 

Knowing this is one thing, living by it is another.

Then we move into Module 3 where we begin to understand Mindset Coaching and the power it holds in producing the results we are looking for in life. 

This has been and continues to be one of the most impactful skills I’ve learned in my life. 

Mindset work can be profound and having an understanding of it’s tie to our results in life is a secret sauce. Don’t miss this!

Module 4 looks at Fear vs Belief, and takes into consideration that within every situation or circumstance, we can choose to view it as a risk or as an opportunity. 

We can lean into fear or focus on belief in ourselves. 

Whichever thought we choose to believe and feed is the one that will grow.

And then in Module 5 we determine Your Next Best Step. 

Now that you’ve recognized where you are in life and where you want to be, you’re given a choice. 

To sit passively in your learning or to act massively in action and to walk confidently in your journey.

Finding YOU Discovering IT is just the same when it comes to the options that are available to you as you travel this journey. 

An important lesson that I’ve learned in life is that if you want to go fast in life, go alone. But if you want to go far, take others with you.
Your first option is to take the course as a stand-alone. 

The tools and training are there. They are epic and valuable and will provide life-changing opportunities to rediscover or affirm who you are and where you are headed. 

I think of when I ran my first ultra-marathon: most of the time I was on the trail by myself. I took it all in, enjoyed the quiet space, and pushed myself to new heights. 

Your Next Option is to take the course at your own pace, but do it with other likeminded individuals in a group coaching setting where you meet weekly. 

We all have our own thoughts, but whenever I’ve had the choice to go it alone or have a group of friends supporting me, I’ll reach for a team every time. 

I know of “a way” to gain traction, but it might not be the “best way” for me to reach the goal.

(8 weeks, an hour each week in a group ZOOM setting with Calli and others)

Your final option is to take the course plus enjoy the privilege of having a coach to personally walk with you 1:1 every week of your journey.

This is your private time with a coach who will provide you with personal accountability, new perspectives, and ask questions that are specifically targeted to your values, vision, wants and needs, and next steps. 

Expect to take leaps and bounds when you are given the opportunity to grow 1:1 in your personal and professional life.  

(8 weeks, 45 minutes each week in a 1:1 ZOOM setting with Calli)

I still remember when I finally caught up with my friends during the ultra-marathon. 

The inspiration, sense of relief, excitement, and thought-provoking pivots that took place when I saw them were priceless in my journey. 

I can have my own thoughts and try to figure out things with my own thinking, but having an encouraging coach that is versed in the art of asking great questions and giving me new perspectives to consider that I otherwise wouldn’t have recognized are a game-changer. 

Group coaching will allow you to not only go farther, but you’ll also enjoy the view, the wins, the hardships, and companionship with new friends.

I’d highly recommend you take the journey with a group of others and an experienced coach that is willing to help lead you!
Choose from one of the options below to get started:

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Still wondering if Finding You Discovering It is the right move for you? 

Check out this webinar recording!

Have questions that aren’t answered here? Get in touch.

About Calli Thorne
Calli Thorne is a certified speaker, coach, trainer and facilitator. 

She helps individuals and teams rise above average in their thoughts, skills and results, so they can reach their full god-given potential. Read more...


Copyright 2022 Calli Thorne